Dentures and Partials

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Dental Health & Dentures

We offer a variety of dentures because each patient has different oral health, number of missing teeth, and budget. We are proud to provide removable or permanent dentures including:

  • Full Denture
    Full dentures are used when no healthy teeth remain in either your upper or lower jaw. In some cases, we may remove a damaged or decayed tooth to make room for a full denture. Dentures will provide support to the lips and face so you can eat, drink, and smile with confidence.

  • Partial Denture
    Partial dentures are a great option when you still have some healthy natural teeth in either your upper or lower jaw. A partial denture uses healthy teeth as attachment points for support and stability.

  • Implant-Supported Removable Denture
    Our most highly recommended denture solution! While traditional dentures are a good choice for some, implant-supported dentures are the clear winner when it comes to health, comfort, and long-term happiness. With this type of denture, as few as 2-4 dental implants are first placed in your mouth. From there, your denture will be permanently secured to your implants.

The biggest advantages of using implants for your dentures include:

Our experienced staff is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care. Come see us today and see the difference Dogwood Dental can make!


Most frequent questions and answers

Yes. Living with missing teeth can cause a variety of dental problems, including gum disease, bone loss, and damage to remaining healthy teeth. It also affects your ability to eat, smile, and enjoy your day-to-day life. You deserve to love your smile — we can help make that happen.

When you first start wearing full dentures, it will likely take a few weeks of getting used to. During this time, you might even come back to our office for a small adjustment to ensure the fit is just right. Soon your mouth and jaw will be accustomed to wearing your removable dentures and you’ll wonder how you ever went without them!

Implant-supported dentures should be cared for like natural teeth with regular brushing and flossing. For removable dentures, your dental care regime will change a bit, inducing:

  • Daily cleanings with denture cleaner
  • Avoiding coffee or other dark foods/drinks to prevent staining
  • Regular trips to our office to check for signs of gum disease, changes to your bite, or other issues