

Prevent Cavities with our Dental Sealants

Pits and grooves on the chewing surfaces of your back teeth are completely normal, but also very difficult to clean. Food and bacteria get easily trapped in these crevices and fuel decay.

We offer dental sealant treatments to help protect these hard-to-reach, “groovy” teeth and prevent cavities. Anyone can benefit from a dental sealant, but we especially recommend this treatment for our young patients. Contact us today to learn more.

What Are Dental Sealants?

A dental sealant is a clear or white material that’s carefully painted and bonded onto your tooth’s surface. This treatment “seals” the pits and grooves of your teeth, keeping bacteria from getting caught in the crevices and damaging your enamel!

Here at Dogwood Dental Spa, our dental sealants are made from an ultra-thin, non-toxic resin and are great for patients of all ages, but we often recommend this as a great option for children’s first permanent back teeth.

What to Expect

A tooth sealant treatment is fast, non-invasive, and a great add-on treatment to a dental cleaning. Here’s how it works: