Teeth Whitening


Improve your appearance with a bright, pearly white smile!

At Dogwood Dental Spa our dentist-guided whitening treatments are safe, quick, and effective. You’ll see a noticeable improvement in the brightness of your smile in a single treatment.

Our teeth whitening treatments are great for sensitive teeth, too.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Unlike one-size-fits-all whitening strips, we offer take-home trays made just for you. This perfect fit ensures the trays are comfortable and that the whitening gel sits snugly against your teeth. Wear your trays as instructed in the comfort of your home. You’ll see gradual results after several days of use.


Most frequent questions and answers

Most stains are caused by darkly pigmented foods and drinks or tobacco use. However, some stains may be the result of a dental health concern. We’ll determine whether or not teeth whitening is the best treatment or if a deep cleaning, crown, filling, or veneers are a better option.

If you have sensitive teeth, we recommend that you avoid over-the-counter whitening strips and other DIY treatments without first talking to your dentist. We’ll outline a professional treatment that will help you avoid irritation and ensure a comfortable and successful experience.

Almost anyone can benefit from teeth whitening. However, we typically do not recommend teeth whitening to pregnant or lactating women, children under 16 years of age, or those with allergic reactions to teeth bleaching whitening agents.

Like most purely cosmetic treatments, most insurance does not cover teeth whitening treatments. Our office offers a comprehensive in-house membership plan that offers exclusive benefits and discounts for various treatments, including teeth whitening. Call us to learn more!