TMJ and Jaw Pain

Middle age woman suffering toothache and tmj at home

Say goodbye to pain in your jaw and hello to a healthier you!

TMJ Symptoms

Grinding or clenching teeth and stress are a couple of factors leading to the development of TMD/TMJ and Migraines. Clenching and grinding can lead to chronic migraines by creating constant pressure on trigger areas such as the frontal, temporal, occipital, and nasal zones.

Stress leads to an involuntary contracting of the masseter and temporalis, causing tension. The constant compression of these muscles causes involuntary muscle spasms, resulting in chronic headaches or migraines. When the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is chronically strained, it can send pain and inflammation out to surrounding nerves.

We offer two types of treatment for this condition:

A customized device tailored specifically around your teeth’s movement patterns. The device guide your teeth into better alignment while relieving some strain on their own joints at same time.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is caused by jaw, facial muscle, and joint problems. The joint responsible for chewing is called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and connects the temporal bone of the skull to the lower jaw. When Botox is injected into these areas it can help to relieve the tension and pain.

Typical Botox treatment for TMJ/TMD includes around 50-60 units. The effects of Botox last for 3 months, as the constant workout of facial muscles in daily activity and sleep slowly remove the Botox.

The first step to treating jaw strain and pain is relief from the condition that is putting stress on your joints. Once the inflammation has been reduced, you will also experience a reduction in nerve sensations near those areas.

Try Dogwood Dental today and say goodbye to TMJ and Facial Pain!